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The production of natural testosterone, is what many sports fans actively seek. Not only can you get through supplements that stimulate as there are other (relatively conventional) events or phenomena, although we seem surprising, help release testosterone by our agency:
Natural Testosterone - Type of training
When we talk about natural testosterone release, you need to move heavy weights to stimulate the momentum in our body to secrete the largest number of this type of anabolic hormones.
Depending on the type of training we do, it will cause a greater or lesser hormonal response. For example, Pilates is not as effective in helping to generate testosterone as the traditional high volume training, based on lifting heavy weights.
Natural Testosterone - Music
The sound of music can give us the strength to force our limits beyond what we can normally. Not only music can motivate us psychologically, but may also have a direct effect on our physiology.
When we hear motivating music, we adjust the volume of the same at a high level, as this stimulates increased testosterone, although it may seem so surprising.
This can be a winning combination to gain strength during training, and promote muscle growth and fat loss. However, the variations are insignificant in terms of the levels of testosterone, but is shown to affect.
Listening to relaxing music, however, will reduce this stress response, although after training is ideal. Reducing stress may facilitate recovery and improve sleep.
  natural testosterone increase
Natural Testosterone - Scents
There is something primal about grilling a steak. The vision of the blaze, the crackling sound of the meat and the occasional creak of it, could influence. Surely, inhaling certain compounds released by the meat can get to produce an increase in testosterone levels. Studies show inconclusive data on the subject, as there are several of them that contradict this.
But what is shown is that inhalation of artificial chemicals from scented candles affect testosterone levels. They can be relaxing for some, but many of these candles contain endocrine disruptors such as phthalates and parabens.
These preservatives have similar chemical structures to hormones act as antiandrogens. In other words, they are bad for testosterone, muscle and fat loss.
Natural Testosterone - Visual Exhibition
If you like movies like Conan or Thor, that is good news because in fact, one study showed that increase testosterone levels in men who viewed films with violent content of more than 30 minutes.
On the other hand, see for more than 30 minutes of style movie The Bridges of Madison causes testosterone levels fall dramatically, while progesterone increases.

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